Sound Frames; Bass Clarinet Corrections

Hi Marianne, here are my notes section by section, the important things to decide before recording are marked in red:

1: no issues
2: no issues (we changed to inhale / exhale pattern)
3: all good; the multiphonic works but the notes written were wrong, I checked your recording and analysed the spectrum of the sound, the resulting pitches are A and D sharp. This works fine.
4: no issues
5: the multiphonic notation didn’t work, so below I have other alternatives, please let me know if any one them works.


6: all good; we changed the key clicks order and notation to: middle C, G below and D below.

7: section removed; This section will be completely removed. (just updated at 12.45 noon – 12/09)

8: here I expected something more like this glissando:

If it’s not possible in this register no worries, you can do it chromatically.

9: all good; we changed the singing F to F above.
10: – section removed; (updated at 2pm – 12/09)
11: – section removed; (updated at 2pm – 12/09)

If it doesn’t work well, just play the written F# one octave lower without any singing.

12: no issues.
13: all good; this multiphonic tremolo worked well.
14: could you check if this multiphonic sweep is possible:

it’s from this blog (, it’s in the 4th audio example, the person who wrote it explains how she does it.

If it’s not possible you can just play the bass note, no problem.

15: all good; we changed to the same multiphonics as in section 3 but with tremolo (alternating keys).
16: section removed – I just decided to remove this section as well where you had the harmonic blips, so this won’t be necessary anymore (updated at 2pm – 12/09)


Thank you very much and sorry for all this trouble!!